IMT1AT110 ROHM Semiconductor ROHM Semiconductor IMT1AT110 Bipolar Transistor

Part Nnumber
ROHM Semiconductor IMT1AT110 Bipolar Transistor
ROHM Semiconductor
Basic price
743,88 EUR

The product with part number IMT1AT110 (ROHM Semiconductor IMT1AT110 Bipolar Transistor) is from company ROHM Semiconductor and distributed with basic unit price 743,88 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

ROHM Semiconductor IMT1AT110 Bipolar Transistor Technical data Type IMT1AT110 Manufacturer ROHM Semiconductor Manuf. Code ROH Transistor (BJT) - Arrays Channels 2 IC -150 mA -50 V -500 mV -100 nA Max. power 300 mW 120 -1 mA -6 V 140 MHz Mounting type Surface-mount

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